-The oh-so-fateful date of 11/11/11. After years of waiting to make a wish on such a special day, I somehow found myself at 11:11 that night + in my pajamas + in a Wendys parking lot + making a wish inside of a car. But my wish was granted.
-The return of my best friend Max. Words won't be enough for this point, because I don't know how to write about being happier than I've ever been before.
-Christmas decor. I watch Mickey's Christmas Carol every time I set up the Christmas decorations, just because we used to when I was little. Even with family far apart, I still feel at home.
-Thanksgiving feast, naps and Youtube videos with my aunts and uncles and cousins.
-Black Friday shopping. Never had done it before, never will do it again.
-The cuddle couch/Red Robin bottomless fries/stories by the fireplace - all accompanied with friends and family and movies and smiling til our cheeks hurt. I love how people come together so much more often this time of year.
-My tentative (fingers crossed!) planned trip to see my parents (and Samoa!) this Christmas.
-And again: My best friend coming home. Have I ever even talked about being in love on my own blog before? If they say absence makes they heart grow fonder, mine could probably burst at the seams.